Bee Hive inserts itself onto the NYT Spelling Bee web page, then tallies your
found words onto the Spelling Bee HINTS grid. This only works on computers, not

To use this program, you must start it from a bookmark. You only need to do the
bookmark installation in step 1 once. Afterwards, just click on your Bee Hive
bookmark while on the Spelling Bee web page.

  1. Create a new bookmark.
    • Drag and drop this link onto your Bookmarks bar:  Bee Hive

  2. To use:
    • Launch
    • Click the Bee Hive bookmark on your Bookmarks bar.

  3. To share this program with others:
    • Copy this website's URL, then share it.

This should ease the task of tallying your entries!

Happy Hiving!
postDoc71 (ie retired pediatrician as of age 71)